Tuesday 9 September 2014


I think that our video remake went well, but we did encounter some problems along the way. The main issue we had involved the lighting, we had to make sure that the lighting was placed in different places around her so that the image didn't look flat, instead it looked more rounded and 3D. We asked a teacher to show us how to position the lights and I feel that I have learnt a lot from that because now I know that you have to place lights at each side and slightly behind the actress and one behind below her. We also encountered problems with the lighting when filming as we needed to dim the lights at the right time, this was a difficulty because we had to make sure we had the video on enough devices so that me and the actress could see it at the same time to make sure that it was true to the original. We had an issue with the timing of filming because there was confusion as to which day the actress was supposed to bring her costume and we all had to pick a time when we were all free, this slowed down the process of filming, this taught me that in future it would be much better to have a definite plan in plenty of advance. We made sure that we had time to do a practise run of our video before we did the final filming so that we knew what we needed to change to make our final filming the best it could possibly be.

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