Wednesday 15 October 2014

Music video questionnaire questions

Music video questionnaire
Please state your age, genre and occupation.
What genre of music do you most like to listen to?
Do you watch music videos?
If not, why not?
How often would you say you watch music videos?
Where do you watch music videos the most?
Do you often watch music channels?
If so, what music channels do you watch?
When are you most likely to watch music channels?
What is your favorite music video?
Why is it your favorite?
What do you expect to see in a music video?
What appeals to you most in a music video?
Do you prefer videos when they follow a narrative?
What themes do you like to see in a music video?
Do you like videos that relate to the lyrics of the song or do you prefer videos that have ‘hidden meanings’?

Do you like to see a variation of mise-en-scene? E.g. Setting, props and costumes?

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